Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Review

So I have decided to do a last-day-of-the-year review questionnaire because I like to talk about myself...

1. What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?
Well, I think the really stand-out thing that I did this year was get LASIK. That is definitely something I had never done before.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I really have no idea what they were, if I even made any. I assume I did not keep them.

(I changed these next two questions because they were boring.)
3. What classes did you take?
French 101, Art History 202 (1500-present), Studio Art for Art Historians, Geology, and New Testament.

4. New food you tried:
Okay, so I am a really picky eater...but I did try bell peppers and really liked them. I also tried tater tot casserole and loved that.

5. What countries did you visit?
I did not go out of the country this year, but I did go to the Oregon Coast in the summer.

6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
*cough cough*a boyfriend*cough cough* JUST KIDDING. Seriously though, I am hoping that in 2013 I will completely know what I want to major in and do for the rest of my life.

7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 9th is the day I got LASIK...I got a new cat in August as well...

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
(see question 1) LASIK is my biggest achievement of my life. I really don't think anything else can be compared to that.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Well, I did do something that I find really embarrassing...I don't really want to share that. I would actually count it as a failure and a win at the same time.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I just really don't ever get sick, but I did get my Eustachian tube plugged up after Thanksgiving and that hurt for about a week.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Oh man...uhhh...I pretty much just bought clothing...but I did buy a couple of fur vests that I now greatly enjoy. I also really like my Snow White Halloween costume.

12. Where did most of your money go?
Towards clothes and rent/utilities. I have a serious shopping addiction.

13. What did you get really excited about?
The Hobbit premiere!!!! Oh man, I was so pumped. My sister and I went to the midnight showing in our local IMAX in 3D. It was sicktight. We also got four free movie posters from that event that I am really excited to hang up in my apartment back at school.

14. What song will always remind you of 2012?
Probably "Gangnam Style". It reminds me of my first job, and that was this summer, so I shall always equate that. Same situation with "Tarzan Boy".

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
-happier or sadder? happier, totes. I finally am understanding myself and who I am, cheesy as that is.
-thinner or fatter? Um, pretty much the same.
-richer or poorer? Well now I have my own savings account with some of my own money in it, so I would say richer, but not by much.

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Reading my textbooks..I know that is so lame. But maybe if I actually seriously read all the material for my classes I would do really well.

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Well, even though I enjoyed every minute, I probably should have done less computer stuff.

18. How did you spend Christmas?
Just at my house with my family.

19. What was your favorite TV program?
Well I did become crazily obsessed with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" this year, but I also got into Downton Abbey, Once Upon A Time, and New Girl.

20. What were your favorite books of the year?
Well, I can't really remember all the books I read...but I know I did read The Shining for the first time, and that was good. Also, I read Gone With the Wind again and The Hobbit as well. Those are classics.

21. What was your favorite music from this year?
I got super into Muse (esp. "Undisclosed Desires" and "Madness"); I heard Imagine Dragons for the first time; I added a lot of music to my 80s collection (ex. Madonna, Elton John...); and I bought myself a 90s Britney Spears album.

22. What were your favorite films of the year?
I LOVED "The Hobbit", but I also enjoyed "Wreck-It Ralph", "Pitch Perfect", "The Dark Knight Rises"...I can't think of anymore right now.

23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 20 this year, and on my birthday I went to my one class that day (yay!), watched movies, went to the mall with my roommates, and had dinner and cake. It was a pretty good birthday for me.

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
LASIK. I have said it before, and I will say it again: IT IS THE GREATEST THING EVER.

25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
"Comfortably Weird". Basically, I buy clothes that are comfortable but are strange and different.

26. What kept you sane?
TV shows that I could throw my emotions into.

27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012:
"I am ambitious and need to do stuff."

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Very Strange Dream

As per instruction from Karoline, I have been told to recount a recently experienced STRANGE dream I had. Ready? Go:
So me and my family were in Disneyland. I was really excited to be there and to walk around and see all of the stuff (I don't ride rides because I have HORRIBLE motion sickness, and the same thought was running through my head in my dream). I wanted to go into a souvenir shop, but my family started yelling at me that shopping here was a waste of time. I was utterly heartbroken; I was CRUSHED by that statement. So I walked alongside my family as they rushed to this random specific ride that they just HAD to ride. Apparently they had planned out before the trip to go on this ride without telling me, and I had no idea what was going on in this dream; I was so confused. So while we are walking I keep asking questions about this ride--because the MOTION SICKNESS, right?--and they just keep saying things like, "Oh you'll be fine", "just suck it up", "it will be fun", etc...So we get to the ride, and it is in a building much like a giant laser-tag arena. It is this big, dark box on the outside, and it is dark inside. We get inside, and I am still pestering my family with questions, and we get to the equipment area. My brain has now inferred that this is a virtual-reality game in which we will be wearing helmets that make us think we are somewhere else so that we can experience a different life sort of a thing. So my family starts loading up with protective gear and padding, and helmets and weapons, and I am just sort of standing there like "what?", and finally my dad took pity on me and starting handing me things that I was going to need. I received: a fluffy pink baby-head-sized hat, fluffy mittens, and a little vial of something. While I am girding myself with my equipment, my sister climbs the flight of stairs up to the arena and announces to us that "if anything happens to her, we must skydive with her", and then she disappears. So we all follow up the stairs and get right into the fray. I slowly figured out the game, and here it is: This is a virtual-reality war game in which there are multiple levels. It starts with a group of seemingly normal people milling around until the predeteremined (but secret from the group) killer starts randomly killing people. The point is to kill the killer after he/she has begun killing others, and to be kept from getting killed yourself. It was really hard, and I was just not good at it, since I had no way to kill the killer before he/she killed me. So my family advances and goes to different levels, and I am still stuck on the first level. So the level starts up again, and I am just walking around, and suddenly the killer jumps out of rank and starts coming at me. So I promptly tripped backward over something and dislodged my vial from my belt. I open the vial and start squirting it at the killer, but it does little damage except sting, because the vial ended up being full of acid. (Sidenote: I always say that if given the choice of a superpower, I would want to be poisonous. This acid thing is my dream coming to fruition in a very lame way.) So I am lying on my back, squiting this vial and barely hitting anything, and the killer comes up and stabs my leg and then moves on because I was apparently not worth killing all the way. So I start writhing around on the ground, because this actually HURT (Sidenote: I often make my limbs fall asleep and go numb when I am sleeping, and I think this pain was the result of my leg waking up and doing that thing where it hurts A LOT.), so I was moaning and whimpering and rolling around at the side of the battlefield. Finally, the herd of people thins out a lot, and this one guy stumbles over to me, takes pity on me, and kills me the entire way. I am transported back to reality in Disneyland and the helmet is removed. I then have to wait for my family to emerge from the sadistic game. And then I woke up. THE END.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 18

Today I am grateful for: the piano. Man, I love this instrument! It is the one instrument I have stuck with my whole life, and I have at least some actual talent with it--and it serves some purpose in my life: I play the piano quite often in church now. I am really glad to have a music calling where I get to magnify my REAL talents: which are all music-related. Anyway, I just love the piano. You can play basically anything on it, and it will sound good...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17

Today I am grateful for: movie theaters. I have been there quite a bit recently by myself on Saturday/Friday nights, and I am just happy that the people just welcome in us weird, single people who are going to see a movie by themselves. I just feel welcomed and I feel the love...for myself.

Day 16

Yesterday I was thankful for: my lotion. Since it is getting much colder now, my skin dries out way faster thank normal. Especially my hands. And it's not like I am very good about putting lotion on because I don't like how you can't open anything after you put it on, but I need it now, and I am happy to have it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15

Today I shalt be grateful for: cookies. I just have this serious obsession with desserts of all kinds but with restrictions, like no nuts, and I don't really like caramel...but anyway. I am just grateful that we have delicious sweet things to eat after (or instead of...FWP) our normal, somewhat less tasty meals. What would life be like if all we ate were green beans or salad? I think we need to throw some chocolate cake into the mix, eh?

Also, Karoline just came home with like a dozen gorgeous sugar cookies from some fancy bakery five towns away. You go Glen Coco...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14

Today I am grateful for: my iPod. Where would we be without our mobile music appliance? I mean, I was alive when Walkmans were the cool thing so I KNOW how nice iPods are. One really nice factor about the iPod is that you have a huge plethora of music available in like 3x1 inches, and wearing earbuds makes people not try to talk to you. They are the perfect disguise. And I just really love my music, so I love having all of my weird faves genres available in one spot. Examples are: the 80s, modern alternative punky rock, and showtunes.