1. The teacher is SO AWKWARD. It did say on ratemyprofesser.com that he is really quiet and shy, so I was sort of expecting that. It is SO BAD. He can barely relay coherent sentences to us, let alone assignments and instructions. And no one wants to ask questions because he doesn't make sense or actually explain anything when you ask anyway.
2. We are not being taught how to draw. Instead of teaching us basic technique on how to draw, paint, do charcoal, ink, etc...we are given the tools to do, say an ink drawing, and are thrown into the lava pit and expected to create a masterpiece. These are his oral instructions: "Just make some lines on the paper until they come together. But don't draw something specific. But make it a landscape. But don't draw actual trees or anything..." WTF. So I drew some freaking lines and I freaking connected them and nothing came together and I could FEEL the judgement raining down upon me.
3. Everyone else seems to have either previous artistic training or natural artistic talent. I THOUGHT I was marginally artistic; I mean I can copy pictures decently. But I am obviously desperately lacking in that department. Everyone else's collage/charcoal drawings looked really artistic and put together, and mine looked like a kindergartener cut up random pieces of paper, stuck them to a piece of paper, scribbled on them, and then sat on it. It was humiliating.
4. We are supposed to do a sketchbook journal over the course wherein we are to depict our innermost thoughts and dreams through copying the styles of other artists. That just doesn't make sense to me. Each week we are given some artists as "inspiration" and we are supposed to study them and attempt to use their styles. So far, all of the artists we are supposed to check out are really hipster and emo, and I just don't roll that way.
This is what I drew in my sketchbook for this week:
This is apparently what I should have drawn:

I can tell you that I was harshly judged by the professor for drawing that. I watched him open my sketchbook and just get this look of complete confusion. I could just see the wheels in his mind turning, "what in the world did this poor, disturbed child draw? This is way too normal for my hipster-centric class."
I am SO not happy about this. I am not going to draw two bunnies and some squares and call it reaching into the depths of my soul. Okay, so drawing a TARDIS diptych isn't exactly gut-wrenching, but I just can't really express my emotions in this way. I sort of prefer to not express my emotions at all, thank you. And, just because I am supposed to draw that way, I REALLY don't want to now! I shouldn't be told which style to draw in. I am not a hipster, and I refuse to identify as one through art.