Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kitten talk.

Yesterday, my family got a new kitten from my aunt who has a farm. They were born and raised in a barn, but were wild and kind of feral for a month, so our kitten is quite afraid of people still. 

She was born without back feet, so she has little stumps of back legs, but she still gets around pretty good.
Right now she is living in my bathroom so my two adult cats don't eat her--and she was (and is) really afraid of the world outside. She was really afraid of people, but we have gotten her to like us for the most part.
We have named her Kevin (yes, Kevin), after Kevin Bacon because she is "footloose". But we mostly call her Stumpy.
Overall she is a good little cat, and I think we will be able to keep her!! :)

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