Friday, January 27, 2012

Hey, hey, hey, I'm not a failure anymore!!!!


I am so excited about this. It was in Geology, a science class that I actually enjoy (I know, what can I say? I flipping LOVE rocks!), and I studied and went to the review, and then took the test. I was so relieved to see that I knew almost all of the answers on sight without even having to think about it. :) I got an 84%!!!!! :) I am so pleased. This semester is definitely turning out to be better than the last. :)

On a more annoying note, the London study abroad people have STILL NOT EMAILED ME!!! I guess I am just going to have to be a nag and send them an email again. :P

Also, my thumb has been twitching really randomly. It started two days ago when I was trying to sleep. It just sort of takes on a life of its own and moves by itself. It's weird and annoying. It is also the thumb on the hand with the wrist that had the cyst last year or whenever that was. I wish it would stop.

But not today!!!! :)

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