Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hello, my name is Melanie, and I have an addiction to TV

Some time, no post... Yeah my life really isn't that exciting.

I did, however, raise my hand in Geology today during joke time and say that all of my initials are the same letter... Bro. Skinner is always making fun of people who have the same letter for all of their names, so I thought I would share with him. He said that M is the best letter to have though. He had fun calling me "Mmm" for a minute.

The London people still have no talked to me. I sort of want to punch them. This is my future we are talking about!!!...not really, but I wish they would hurry the heck up.

I have been watching Psych again... Yes.
It really is weird how my obsessions really rule my life. In Writing yesterday we watched a clip from Psych... I have a weirdly coincidental life.

Yeah, see nothing cool has been happening!!! This is probably THE most boring blog post yet. BUT, for your  entertainment and enjoyment, here are some random pictures.

Can I just add to my fangirl list that I freaking LOVE Noel Fielding?!?! He just makes me so happy. He is exemplified by Old Greg there...and if you look him up, you will probably question my judgement and ask me to see a doctor.

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