Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Welcome back messed-up wrist!!!

Well, I have another cyst goin on again...this on is in a different spot though (on the same wrist). Stupid movement-influenced fluid build-ups.

But! Now I have a nifty wrist brace that inhibits much of my movement...which is its purpose, so it does its job!

So classy.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Crazy fun weekend times.

Well, this weekend was highly eventful.

1. Thursday night I went to BYU's Love's Labors Lost. It was REALLY good. I had never read the play, but I quite enjoyed it, and the setting was fun too--they made it into a WWII war canteen. During intermission they had a dance thing on the stage for everyone, and in terror I fled the scene. I waited awkwardly outside the doors for 15 minutes--I also kept coming in and out because I kept thinking they were done, and they weren't.

2. Friday morning at 12:43 am I saw THE HUNGER GAMES!!!! WOO!!! I went by myself, which actually ended up being an awesome thing. I got to the theater 10 minutes before, and found  a seat in two seconds. And I wasn't blocked by any obnoxious tall people. It was a really good movie as well!! Fun times.

3. Saturday, Kelli and Karoline and I went to the Holi Festival at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork. It was craziness. Before we even paid we were coated with colors. (The whole point is that you buy colored powder and throw it at people...) We bought our colors and headed right into the fray. We got down to the mosh pit, which I hated by the way, and Kelli and Karoline both crowd surfed, but I was just terrified. I hate crowds like that. They freak me out because I can't see out at all because everyone around me is way taller than me and blocks the outside world. Ugh. When the official throwing happened, it became quite hard to breathe. Everyone throws all their color in the air at the same time, so there was powder everywhere. I got a really congested face after all that. But, the whole experience was quite fun and worth it. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Is it not common knowledge that you don't put plastic in the washing machine/dryer? Because apparently it is the new practice to put my cute plastic shower curtain in the wash and have all the color flake off and have it get all distorted. It is just like one stupid thing after another here. Not a happy camper.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Crazy Tights Day!!!

Yeah, I dressed like a boss.

Friday: The most eventful day of the week.

Well, today has been highly eventful, and it's only noon!!!

First, it was crazy tights day in ballet today. I wore my gymnastics leotard and my sparkly tights. I looked sick-tight. I would have taken and a picture (I still will, I think), but I couldn't fit all of me in the bathroom mirror, and someone is hogging my room. Picture to be taken and posted later. I was also the craziest-looking person there. Some people just have no interest in crazy tights day!!! How boring are they?

Secondly, I took the trash out today, but this wasn't just any old taking-out-the-trash time, it was special. Our trash bag had ripped and wouldn't come out of the trash can so no one had taken it out in a really long time and it smelled disgusting. So, I decided to be a good samaritan and just take the whole trash can out to dump it. As I was walking out there, I was thinking to myself "Haha, wouldn't I be in a funny predicament if the trashcan fell into the dumpster?"...that's what happened to me...But wait! It gets better. I ran back inside and got our broom to try and fish it out...and I lost my balance and dropped the broom too...I am such a problem-child. So now, I have told my story to several potential maintenance helpers, but no one has been able to help me yet. This is so embarrassing...but hilarious!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day!!

I celebrated Pi day by shaving for the first time in 4.5 months!!!!! Woo!!! It took me a whole hour. I am not going to post pictures of that for the sake of my dignity.

Also, our FHE group is going to the temple tonight!!! I am so excited!!! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Freaking out.

So...I have 3 big projects due coming up soon...and I have not gotten very far on any of them. My number one concern right now is my research paper for Art History. We are supposed to write a five page paper on an art work that we signed up for in the beginning of the semester. I realize I should have started this long ago, but I just can't find any information about my piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Augh!! It is making me freak out. I have a hold on two books at the library, but they haven't come in yet!!!! This paper is due the 26th. The lateness of me starting this is not entirely my fault (the whole I-can't-find-any-sources-for-this-thing problem), but I wish I would have signed up for something else.

The other project is my Capstone project for Book of Mormon. I have been excited about working on this...I just keep forgetting or running out of time. I am slightly less concerned about this one.

The last project is my Issues Paper for Writing 150. There is so much I need to do for that as well. At least we work on it step by step in class and such, so that isn't totally as stressful.

Why is everything crammed in at the end of the semester? Geez. I guess it was just my poor planning.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Avatar: My latest obsession

Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE this show? I remember watching parts of it when I was younger and thinking it was awesome. Netflix didn't have instant then, so I never got to watch all the episodes in order. Now I am achieving that, AND IT IS STILL AS AWESOME AS I REMEMBER!!!!!
It's almost embarrassing that I love it so much because of my utter contempt for anime...but it really isn't that anime-y. It's American!!!
He's my favorite. :)
If I could be any of the nations (Water, Earth, Fire, Air), I would totally be fire. So the best.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So I just found this on Tumblr, and it reminded me of a story:

So, my story goes like this. I was supposed to be going to a surprise party for a friend, but I didn't know if I could go in yet or what, so I was cruising around the neighborhood in my car like a creeper trying to call my other friend. I was going really slowly, and this car came up behind me and I didn't want to make them hover behind me, so I decided to turn into a random driveway to get out of their way and call my friend. The driveway was their driveway...They pulled up beside me and looked at me really weirdly. They got out and started coming over to talk to me, and I pulled out of there really fast and zoomed off. It was kind of embarrassing. I still hadn't reached my friend, so I continued to drive around the neighborhood, and I passed their house several more times. They also came back out at one point and got behind me again. It was a hilarious misunderstanding.

Monday, March 5, 2012

♫Vacation's where I wanna be♫

So our stake had its annual Spring Sing tonight, which is like a road show, and it was...interesting to say the least. All of the skits were based on Disney movies. Some were quite funny and clever, and others sucked. I won't go into ward-specific details... My favorite part was this guy dressed up like Captain Jack Sparrow. He was totally unrelated to the plot of his own skit, but I loved him and fangirled in the audience for him the whole time. I actually have no idea what that skit was about... Our ward did Tangled...and that is all I am going to say about that one.

Today was possibly the most beautiful weather of all time. It was really like 45 degrees, but it was glorious. I walked home from ballet at noon without my coat on or anything!! Mmmm, it was wonderful.

I am just really so glad that it is March. That means that it is over halfway through the semester, and I can get out of here sooner. I need a vacation. And money. That would be nice.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I rock.

Done with Geology 101!!!!! Bittersweet times. I just took the final; I got an 83%, which I am fine with. I LOVED that class. Bro Skinner was AWESOME...and I just really like rocks. So, I have thus decided to make Geology my minor. I am pretty excited about this idea.

Sedimentary, my dear Watson.