Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So I just found this on Tumblr, and it reminded me of a story:

So, my story goes like this. I was supposed to be going to a surprise party for a friend, but I didn't know if I could go in yet or what, so I was cruising around the neighborhood in my car like a creeper trying to call my other friend. I was going really slowly, and this car came up behind me and I didn't want to make them hover behind me, so I decided to turn into a random driveway to get out of their way and call my friend. The driveway was their driveway...They pulled up beside me and looked at me really weirdly. They got out and started coming over to talk to me, and I pulled out of there really fast and zoomed off. It was kind of embarrassing. I still hadn't reached my friend, so I continued to drive around the neighborhood, and I passed their house several more times. They also came back out at one point and got behind me again. It was a hilarious misunderstanding.

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