Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Freaking out.

So...I have 3 big projects due coming up soon...and I have not gotten very far on any of them. My number one concern right now is my research paper for Art History. We are supposed to write a five page paper on an art work that we signed up for in the beginning of the semester. I realize I should have started this long ago, but I just can't find any information about my piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Augh!! It is making me freak out. I have a hold on two books at the library, but they haven't come in yet!!!! This paper is due the 26th. The lateness of me starting this is not entirely my fault (the whole I-can't-find-any-sources-for-this-thing problem), but I wish I would have signed up for something else.

The other project is my Capstone project for Book of Mormon. I have been excited about working on this...I just keep forgetting or running out of time. I am slightly less concerned about this one.

The last project is my Issues Paper for Writing 150. There is so much I need to do for that as well. At least we work on it step by step in class and such, so that isn't totally as stressful.

Why is everything crammed in at the end of the semester? Geez. I guess it was just my poor planning.

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