Monday, March 5, 2012

♫Vacation's where I wanna be♫

So our stake had its annual Spring Sing tonight, which is like a road show, and it was...interesting to say the least. All of the skits were based on Disney movies. Some were quite funny and clever, and others sucked. I won't go into ward-specific details... My favorite part was this guy dressed up like Captain Jack Sparrow. He was totally unrelated to the plot of his own skit, but I loved him and fangirled in the audience for him the whole time. I actually have no idea what that skit was about... Our ward did Tangled...and that is all I am going to say about that one.

Today was possibly the most beautiful weather of all time. It was really like 45 degrees, but it was glorious. I walked home from ballet at noon without my coat on or anything!! Mmmm, it was wonderful.

I am just really so glad that it is March. That means that it is over halfway through the semester, and I can get out of here sooner. I need a vacation. And money. That would be nice.

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