Thursday, May 31, 2012

Michael Jackson.

So I came up with today's post while driving to work today. I couldn't decide what to listen to, and then I remembered my extensive collection of Michael Jackson songs. I had a really hard time deciding which songs to put on this list. There were several I had to leave out grudgingly, but I do have an honorary 11th place winner.


1. Thriller. Seriously, what kind of fan would I be if I genuinely didn't adore MJ's swan song? I absolutely love this song. I have enjoyed trying to learn the dance so that I can feel super cool whenever this song comes on.

2. Money. I would assume that most people have not heard this song before. The first time I heard it was on the Michael Jackson Experience wii game (it's like Just Dance Michael Jackson style), but I absolutely LOVE this song. It is one of his "newer" ones, so it's a sort of different style than the classics; but, I love it nonetheless.

3. Streetwalker. Another not-well-known song that I first heard on that video game. This one is probably my favorite one on that game. This one has a beat much like The Way You Make Me Feel. It is really fun and pop-y.

4. The Way You Make Me Feel. Everybody knows this song; everybody loves this song. 

5. Billie Jean. I wonder if this is his second greatest hit after Thriller... Either way, I love it! I also especially love the video from Motown 25 where he performed this live for the first time.

6. Beat It. Once again, everyone loves this song, AND I love the music video. His piano key shirt is awesome.

7. Baby Be Mine. This is from the original Thriller album. I really like this song, not really for any particular reason, but I like it.

8. The Girl Is Mine. This is a duet between Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney, which makes it doubly good. It is just light-hearted and fun.

9. Ghost. Another more "recent" of his songs that I found on the wii game. It is just a strange song, but I like it. I love that so many of his songs are about nothing at all, like "Ghost" and "Thriller" and "Money"; it is a refreshing change from the constant love song.

10. You Rock My World. I remember just randomly buying this album and being overwhelmed with the awesome music. I just really like the beat and melody of this song. It does, however, have a very strange intro with some guy with a really annoying voice. I also have no idea what MJ is saying half the time, and neither does anyone else--everywhere I look up the lyrics they are different.

Honorary 11th Song: This Is It. This is the song that was released with the post-mortem movie This Is It. I really love this song, but haven't been able to buy it because you have to buy the whole album (of which I have all the songs except this one). Also, if you haven't seen This Is It, you need to. It is really good, and not just for fans.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I suck.

Today was just one of those days. I had a hair appointment at 8:30 this morning (which is very early for me) and then I had to work at 10:30. I ended up tellering the whole work day (I usually teller until about 3 and then file, but I was needed), and then I didn't quite balance my monies and had to stay an extra hour to get it all sorted out.
So, due to the serious stupid-day I had today at work, I am dedicating this post to


1. Guessing-how-many-items-are-in-the-container games. In case that was totally unclear, I mean those games where there are a bunch of jelly beans in a jar and you have to try to guess the amount, and whoever gets the closest gets a prize or a million dollars or something. I would not win the million dollars. Recently I went to a baby shower where we had to guess how many pieces of candy were in this jar; I guessed 32, and there were 77. I have absolutely NO awareness of that sort of stuff. This weekend we were counting train cars, and I originally guessed 50 because I thought it was a really long train, saw the end of the train coming, and changed my answer to 30...there were 50.

2. Counting money/simple math. This suckage problem has stumbled upon me in the recent weeks. Whilst under pressure, I find it nearly impossible to count back the cash I am supposed to be balancing or giving out or whatever. I also multiplied 20 by 10 and got 10,000 several times...I don't know how I do that.

3. Spinning to the right. This one takes place in ballet. Most people are righties so most of the things we do in ballet use the right side more...I happen to be an unusual lefty (which I usually pride myself on). Therefore, whenever we do pirouettes, I look beyond stupid stumbling around whilst trying to turn to the right. I look fine when we finally do the left side, but until then, I look like an idiot.

4. Tying knots at the end of sewing thread. I have never been able to do this. It is impossible to me.

5. Pool. I suck at this game. On my extensive list of sports that I suck at, pool is #1. I was once in a game where the loser had to do like 50 pushups or something. The only reason I didn't have to do that was because the other team hit the black ball into the hole (don't I sound like I understand this game?) before they were supposed to. My teammate still never spoke to me again...

6. Playing wind instruments. I have tried, believe me. I started on trumpet, and then went to flute, and then settled on percussion/piano where you don't have to blow into anything. I just have absolutely no breath/lung support. I tried to play my sister's bass clarinet and could only get squeaks out.

7. Tackling people. I have only ever tried this once, but once was quite enough.

8. Hearing/listening. I just do not understand people very clearly when they talk, I think it is sort of an American thing, but still, I suck at understanding words.

9. Controlling my fangirl urges in public. I have committed so many misdemeanors regarding acceptable fangirling. If I hear someone in the store talking about Doctor Who or Sherlock or something, I sort of go ballistic. It is so embarrassing.

10. Mowing the grass. I only suck at this because I am constantly in a state of fright as to whether bugs are going to fly up out of the grass and land on me. Ugh it gives me shivers. But because of this edginess, I often will run back into the house and the first sight of movement and leave the lawn mower idling with only like 10 square feet of grass cut.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All of my favorite people on one page.

Based on the fact that I watched Pirates of the Caribbean tonight, awesome fictional characters are on my mind. So, based on the fact that I basically live vicariously through TV/movie/book characters, here are my


1. Scarlett O'Hara (from Gone With the Wind). Yes, I am one of those people. But I absolutely worship a totally non-heathen way. She is shrewd, stubborn, hard-headed, and selfish--which most people wouldn't find admirable, but I just idolize her. She is part of the old South where women are not highly thought of in a business sense, and she just does what she wants no matter what other people think of her. I really try to live my life by the same rules.
Just look at how sassy she is!

2. Jack Sparrow (from Pirates of the Caribbean). He is just awesome. From the moment I first saw the first movie, I was hooked. I am not entirely sure why I love him so much, it could be that 1. I just flipping LOVE Johnny Depp, or 2. that I find him weirdly attractive...

3. Sherlock Holmes (from BBC's Sherlock). I just cannot express how much I adore the way he is portrayed. He is extremely sassy to people, but is highly intelligent and still gets to do what he wants. I just LOVE him.

4. The Doctor (as portrayed by David Tennant in Doctor Who). He is definitely my favorite Doctor out of the lot of them. For one, David Tennant is very good-looking, but there is also this essence of sadness and power and fun and rolled-up into one person. He is a very in-depth character. Ugh, I love him.

5. Carlton Lassiter (from Psych). From the moment I first watched Psych, I knew Lassie was going to be my favorite. I certainly can relate to him in a very cynical way. Rule #1 with me and people: My favorite kind of people are the ones that are grouchy on the outside, but sensitive and nice on the inside. Lassie is one of those people.

6. Prince Zuko (from Avatar The Last Airbender). I am just going to let my nerdiness speak for this one. I don't want to embarrass myself further. But the same rule applies from the last one.

7. Severus Snape (from Harry Potter). Same rule applies. And everyone loves Snape, so this is really a no-brainer.

8. Spike (from Buffy The Vampire Slayer). Okay, so I have developed a beyond normal interest in this guy... I am only halfway through season 3, so most of the really good stuff that happens with him hasn't happened yet, but I remain hopeful and excited for the episodes to come. Same rule applies.

9. Loki (from The Avengers). Um, everyone loves him. He is probably the most recent of my obsessions. Once again, sassy on the outside, but with real feelings on the inside! Ugh, I can't even contain my love for him.

10. Squidward (from Spongebob). Well, this makes me officially very weird. But he is so grouchy! How can you not resist?

Okay, so now I have most of my weirdness out in the open. I also feel like there are some characters that I totally missed...oh well. 

Monday, May 28, 2012


The topic for today is tunes.


1. Thriller by Michael Jackson. Does this even need an explanation? I know it's cliche, but MJ is my favorite, and thus his iconic song must be my favorite.

2.Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by the Eurythmics. When this song comes on, I have to dance. It makes me so happy.

3.Undisclosed Desires by Muse. Muse is a more recent obsession than the rest of the music I like. They are one of the few musical groups that isn't from the 80s, BUT I still love them. I love the heavy beat with the minor melody.

4. Kiss by Prince. I got REALLY into Prince last year. He is just so poppin'! A lot of his music is highly inappropriate though, so I only have a couple of his CDs. :( I nevertheless LOVE this song above all the rest of his; it has a fabulous beat and fun, high vocals.

5. You Make My Dreams by Hall & Oates. I love the pop-y vibe of this song. You can't help but feel happy when you listen to this song. It is law.

6. Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. This song is so classic. I have often joked about having it played at my funeral...I think that would be awesome.

7. Starlight by Muse. Once again, this song is really cliche for a Muse-fan-favorite, but I really like it.

8. You're the Voice by John Farnham. I don't even understand my fascination with this song, but it is so catchy, and even though I am not totally sure about what this song is about, it makes me feel like I am doing something really inspiring.

9. The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats. No explanation needed.

10. If I Had You by Adam Lambert. Okay, at least I only have one fluffy current pop song in the mix. I love Adam's music--it is so 80s and pop-y.
 And can I just add as an afterthought that I officially HATE Glee? The acting sucks, the story sucks, the music sucks. There you go.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Top Ten Pet Peeves

Okay, so for today's round, I thought I would try:

TOP TEN PET PEEVES (in the order they come to my mind):

1. People who creep at stoplights. It makes me furious. Please just stop AND STAY THERE.

2. Grammar in general, BUT especially the use of "of" instead of "have". As in (the correct sentence): I should have had a sandwich for lunch; the popularly incorrect usage is: I should of had a sandwich for lunch. Seriously? America.

3. Boys who wear stripes and plaid together. Spare me.

4. Another grammar one: when people say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less". Seriously, there is a major difference.

5. Loud nose breathers/nose whistlers/mouth breathers.

6. One word text messages.

7. When people spell/pronounce my name wrong. Now, it doesn't happen a lot, so when it does, I am usually caught off-guard, and it is just appalling to me.

8. Boys (or girls, I guess) who listen to their horrid rap crap on ear-splitting volume through their headphones in public. Turn your crap off and become part of society please.

9. People who stare "thoughtfully" into your eyes when you are talking. This pretty much just applies to random people like waiters/waitresses, tellers, people you sit by in class...I don't even really know how to explain this one. All I know is that last night I went out to dinner with the family, and after I gave the order to the waitress, she continued to stare creepily into my eyes while writing... It's like weird lingering eye contact.

10. PDA. Go snuggle and kiss and stuff where I can't see you, thank you. I don't care if you're "in love" or whatever, take your hormones to a private area. Thanks.

So there you have it. I will probably think of better ones later, but this will do.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

All About Me: Day 1

So, I haven't posted anything in almost two bad. I really want to get myself excited about writing on this, so I have decided to do "top ten lists" every day for 30 days...whew...commitment. So here is my first one of many! I thought I would start out simple and easy:

TOP TEN WEIRDEST (or coolest, however you see it) THINGS ABOUT ME:

1. I am an extremely picky eater. To start, I won't eat anything with cheese or butter on it; those two things just gross me out. I also genuinely dislike strawberries, cream cheese, milk, hominy, spaghetti, and lettuce (among other things).

2. I am extremely obsessive--and I mean EXTREMELY. If I like something, I will not let it go; this is especially relevant with TV. A couple of my most obsess-worthy TV shows include Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

3. I am really afraid of moths and teeth. Don't ask me why. I just generally have this fear of flying bugs, and moths are the worst; and teeth have just clouded my existence since day one. I absolutely HATED the feeling of loose teeth, so I wouldn't touch them...and I will leave it at that. Just know that I am scarred.

4. I have a cardboard cutout of Jack Sparrow that lives with me. I have had it since 2009 at least. But he came to college with me this year, and was a big hit. I also plan on getting another one, maybe in the form of David Tennant (Doctor Who) or Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock).

5. I have never ridden a roller-coaster. For one, they scare me, and two, I have horrible motion sickness. My motion sickness is so bad that sometimes while watching movies I get nauseous. It rocks.

6. One of my weird quirks is that if a chip (the kind you eat) is folded or bent in any fashion, I have to break it. It's because I don't like the mess chips make if you bite into one that is two big for your mouth.

7. There used to be this game-thing on this radio station I would listen to in the mornings before school called Do You Think I'm Crazy. I always wanted to call in with this one: If my friends don't talk to me, text me back, get on Facebook, etc for a few days, I always wonder if they went into the Witness Protection Program. Legitimately. I have thought this before.

8. I am a super-speed reader. I can read between 100-150 pages in an hour. People are often impressed by that fact, but I just can't get enough of books and so I basically devour them whole with my eyeballs.

9. I have this strange speech-impediment where the word "bowl", and any word that rhymes with it, is REALLY difficult to say. It feels a lot like I am being choked. So, I will make those words into two syllables instead of one, like: "bo-wel", "ro-well", and "po-wel". It is sort of embarrassing, but it is more comfortable for me.

10. I like baby squash. Like the actual baby food baby squash. It is delicious.

So there you have it. If you are not prepared to know everything about me, you may want to never read my blog again.