Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All of my favorite people on one page.

Based on the fact that I watched Pirates of the Caribbean tonight, awesome fictional characters are on my mind. So, based on the fact that I basically live vicariously through TV/movie/book characters, here are my


1. Scarlett O'Hara (from Gone With the Wind). Yes, I am one of those people. But I absolutely worship her...in a totally non-heathen way. She is shrewd, stubborn, hard-headed, and selfish--which most people wouldn't find admirable, but I just idolize her. She is part of the old South where women are not highly thought of in a business sense, and she just does what she wants no matter what other people think of her. I really try to live my life by the same rules.
Just look at how sassy she is!

2. Jack Sparrow (from Pirates of the Caribbean). He is just awesome. From the moment I first saw the first movie, I was hooked. I am not entirely sure why I love him so much, it could be that 1. I just flipping LOVE Johnny Depp, or 2. that I find him weirdly attractive...

3. Sherlock Holmes (from BBC's Sherlock). I just cannot express how much I adore the way he is portrayed. He is extremely sassy to people, but is highly intelligent and still gets to do what he wants. I just LOVE him.

4. The Doctor (as portrayed by David Tennant in Doctor Who). He is definitely my favorite Doctor out of the lot of them. For one, David Tennant is very good-looking, but there is also this essence of sadness and power and fun and rolled-up into one person. He is a very in-depth character. Ugh, I love him.

5. Carlton Lassiter (from Psych). From the moment I first watched Psych, I knew Lassie was going to be my favorite. I certainly can relate to him in a very cynical way. Rule #1 with me and people: My favorite kind of people are the ones that are grouchy on the outside, but sensitive and nice on the inside. Lassie is one of those people.

6. Prince Zuko (from Avatar The Last Airbender). I am just going to let my nerdiness speak for this one. I don't want to embarrass myself further. But the same rule applies from the last one.

7. Severus Snape (from Harry Potter). Same rule applies. And everyone loves Snape, so this is really a no-brainer.

8. Spike (from Buffy The Vampire Slayer). Okay, so I have developed a beyond normal interest in this guy... I am only halfway through season 3, so most of the really good stuff that happens with him hasn't happened yet, but I remain hopeful and excited for the episodes to come. Same rule applies.

9. Loki (from The Avengers). Um, everyone loves him. He is probably the most recent of my obsessions. Once again, sassy on the outside, but with real feelings on the inside! Ugh, I can't even contain my love for him.

10. Squidward (from Spongebob). Well, this makes me officially very weird. But he is so grouchy! How can you not resist?

Okay, so now I have most of my weirdness out in the open. I also feel like there are some characters that I totally missed...oh well. 

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