Saturday, May 26, 2012

All About Me: Day 1

So, I haven't posted anything in almost two bad. I really want to get myself excited about writing on this, so I have decided to do "top ten lists" every day for 30 days...whew...commitment. So here is my first one of many! I thought I would start out simple and easy:

TOP TEN WEIRDEST (or coolest, however you see it) THINGS ABOUT ME:

1. I am an extremely picky eater. To start, I won't eat anything with cheese or butter on it; those two things just gross me out. I also genuinely dislike strawberries, cream cheese, milk, hominy, spaghetti, and lettuce (among other things).

2. I am extremely obsessive--and I mean EXTREMELY. If I like something, I will not let it go; this is especially relevant with TV. A couple of my most obsess-worthy TV shows include Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

3. I am really afraid of moths and teeth. Don't ask me why. I just generally have this fear of flying bugs, and moths are the worst; and teeth have just clouded my existence since day one. I absolutely HATED the feeling of loose teeth, so I wouldn't touch them...and I will leave it at that. Just know that I am scarred.

4. I have a cardboard cutout of Jack Sparrow that lives with me. I have had it since 2009 at least. But he came to college with me this year, and was a big hit. I also plan on getting another one, maybe in the form of David Tennant (Doctor Who) or Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock).

5. I have never ridden a roller-coaster. For one, they scare me, and two, I have horrible motion sickness. My motion sickness is so bad that sometimes while watching movies I get nauseous. It rocks.

6. One of my weird quirks is that if a chip (the kind you eat) is folded or bent in any fashion, I have to break it. It's because I don't like the mess chips make if you bite into one that is two big for your mouth.

7. There used to be this game-thing on this radio station I would listen to in the mornings before school called Do You Think I'm Crazy. I always wanted to call in with this one: If my friends don't talk to me, text me back, get on Facebook, etc for a few days, I always wonder if they went into the Witness Protection Program. Legitimately. I have thought this before.

8. I am a super-speed reader. I can read between 100-150 pages in an hour. People are often impressed by that fact, but I just can't get enough of books and so I basically devour them whole with my eyeballs.

9. I have this strange speech-impediment where the word "bowl", and any word that rhymes with it, is REALLY difficult to say. It feels a lot like I am being choked. So, I will make those words into two syllables instead of one, like: "bo-wel", "ro-well", and "po-wel". It is sort of embarrassing, but it is more comfortable for me.

10. I like baby squash. Like the actual baby food baby squash. It is delicious.

So there you have it. If you are not prepared to know everything about me, you may want to never read my blog again.

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