Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I suck.

Today was just one of those days. I had a hair appointment at 8:30 this morning (which is very early for me) and then I had to work at 10:30. I ended up tellering the whole work day (I usually teller until about 3 and then file, but I was needed), and then I didn't quite balance my monies and had to stay an extra hour to get it all sorted out.
So, due to the serious stupid-day I had today at work, I am dedicating this post to


1. Guessing-how-many-items-are-in-the-container games. In case that was totally unclear, I mean those games where there are a bunch of jelly beans in a jar and you have to try to guess the amount, and whoever gets the closest gets a prize or a million dollars or something. I would not win the million dollars. Recently I went to a baby shower where we had to guess how many pieces of candy were in this jar; I guessed 32, and there were 77. I have absolutely NO awareness of that sort of stuff. This weekend we were counting train cars, and I originally guessed 50 because I thought it was a really long train, saw the end of the train coming, and changed my answer to 30...there were 50.

2. Counting money/simple math. This suckage problem has stumbled upon me in the recent weeks. Whilst under pressure, I find it nearly impossible to count back the cash I am supposed to be balancing or giving out or whatever. I also multiplied 20 by 10 and got 10,000 several times...I don't know how I do that.

3. Spinning to the right. This one takes place in ballet. Most people are righties so most of the things we do in ballet use the right side more...I happen to be an unusual lefty (which I usually pride myself on). Therefore, whenever we do pirouettes, I look beyond stupid stumbling around whilst trying to turn to the right. I look fine when we finally do the left side, but until then, I look like an idiot.

4. Tying knots at the end of sewing thread. I have never been able to do this. It is impossible to me.

5. Pool. I suck at this game. On my extensive list of sports that I suck at, pool is #1. I was once in a game where the loser had to do like 50 pushups or something. The only reason I didn't have to do that was because the other team hit the black ball into the hole (don't I sound like I understand this game?) before they were supposed to. My teammate still never spoke to me again...

6. Playing wind instruments. I have tried, believe me. I started on trumpet, and then went to flute, and then settled on percussion/piano where you don't have to blow into anything. I just have absolutely no breath/lung support. I tried to play my sister's bass clarinet and could only get squeaks out.

7. Tackling people. I have only ever tried this once, but once was quite enough.

8. Hearing/listening. I just do not understand people very clearly when they talk, I think it is sort of an American thing, but still, I suck at understanding words.

9. Controlling my fangirl urges in public. I have committed so many misdemeanors regarding acceptable fangirling. If I hear someone in the store talking about Doctor Who or Sherlock or something, I sort of go ballistic. It is so embarrassing.

10. Mowing the grass. I only suck at this because I am constantly in a state of fright as to whether bugs are going to fly up out of the grass and land on me. Ugh it gives me shivers. But because of this edginess, I often will run back into the house and the first sight of movement and leave the lawn mower idling with only like 10 square feet of grass cut.

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