Sunday, May 27, 2012

Top Ten Pet Peeves

Okay, so for today's round, I thought I would try:

TOP TEN PET PEEVES (in the order they come to my mind):

1. People who creep at stoplights. It makes me furious. Please just stop AND STAY THERE.

2. Grammar in general, BUT especially the use of "of" instead of "have". As in (the correct sentence): I should have had a sandwich for lunch; the popularly incorrect usage is: I should of had a sandwich for lunch. Seriously? America.

3. Boys who wear stripes and plaid together. Spare me.

4. Another grammar one: when people say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less". Seriously, there is a major difference.

5. Loud nose breathers/nose whistlers/mouth breathers.

6. One word text messages.

7. When people spell/pronounce my name wrong. Now, it doesn't happen a lot, so when it does, I am usually caught off-guard, and it is just appalling to me.

8. Boys (or girls, I guess) who listen to their horrid rap crap on ear-splitting volume through their headphones in public. Turn your crap off and become part of society please.

9. People who stare "thoughtfully" into your eyes when you are talking. This pretty much just applies to random people like waiters/waitresses, tellers, people you sit by in class...I don't even really know how to explain this one. All I know is that last night I went out to dinner with the family, and after I gave the order to the waitress, she continued to stare creepily into my eyes while writing... It's like weird lingering eye contact.

10. PDA. Go snuggle and kiss and stuff where I can't see you, thank you. I don't care if you're "in love" or whatever, take your hormones to a private area. Thanks.

So there you have it. I will probably think of better ones later, but this will do.

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