Sunday, June 3, 2012


This post is a completely spur of the moment, random idea.


1. Moths. They actually freak me out more than anything. I don't like that 1. they only come out at night, 2. they can't fly straight and they can't steer, so they are always close to hitting me, and 3. they are disgusting. I just shiver with the thought of them.

2. Teeth. I hate teeth; I have since I was little. Loose teeth especially have freaked me out my whole life. I really hated the feeling of loose teeth in my mouth, so I would leave them alone and not touch them, or brush them. I will leave the rest to your imagination.

3. Grasshoppers. This just stems off of an experience I had when I was little. My family was taking a walk on a mountain trail, and there were all these grasshoppers zipping around RIGHT AT FACE LEVEL. It was horrible. They kept hitting me in the face and I was just terrified.

4. Nasal vaccinations. I have had a flu shot only once, and I was not happy about it. It was taking place at school because we were having a nasty bought of the flu that had almost 25% of the school out sick, so almost everyone was required to get one. When I got there, the majority of the vaccines were taken nasally, and I thought I was going to pass out; the whole idea just freaked me out. I insisted that I have a shot, and a shot I got. Well, at least I can never take drugs, because taking things nasally just freaks me out.

5. Eye doctor. Specifically these anesthesia drops I had one time that made me faint. Those eye drops really made me uncomfortable; my eyes felt really heavy and dry and then I blacked out. Now the thought of those drops, as well as anything else that goes in my eyes, just makes me nauseous.

6. Cutting myself. Now, I'm not talking about getting scratched by a bush or something, I mean actually physically cutting myself on purpose with a knife or something, like 127 Hours. I just could not do that.

7. Rollercoasters. I am afraid of these because 1. I have never been on one, so I don't know what to expect, and 2. I have horrible motion sickness, and I don't really want to willingly get on a rollercoaster to inflict that on myself.

8. Getting cancer. I am sure everyone is afraid of this one. It is just so scary.

9. Knuckle popping. Gosh, it is just so gross.

10. Being single my whole life. I know that sounds stupid, but I already have a pretty good start on it. I just don't want to have to be alone my whole life, I could handle it, but I don't really want to have to.

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