Monday, June 11, 2012

Some movies just really suck.


1. The Chronicles of Narnia. I just absolutely LOATH this series--at least the first installment, I couldn't bear to go beyond it. I just really hate the kids. They are way too young and stupid, and their accents are irritating beyond belief. I understand the this is a loved book series...but it sucks.

2. August Rush. The music in this movie kills me--IT IS SO FAKE. This child is not a music prodigy, he can't even play the guitar right. I also hate the story, and the ending was very anti-climatic.

3. It's Kind of a Funny Story. This movie has no plot or moral or purpose. It was just one stupid thing after another. I don't even understand the reason behind making this film.

4. The Polar Express. Another American classic degraded by my opinion. I completely abhor this movie. The animation sucks, it just does; the kids have no facial expressions at all. I also hate the music.

5. The Neverending Story. The ancient previews for this seemed fairly interesting, so I gave it a try. It was horrible. Don't even go there.

6. Groundhog Day. I am one of those people that really dislikes Bill Murray. I thought this movie was really frustrating.

7. Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. I am sorry, but I did not like this when I saw it in theaters. I was wholly confused by the "plot" and there was so much fighting in the beginning that I didn't understand the reason for.

8. Twilight. Usually this is higher up on peoples' lists, but I sort of figured that it was a given...I will give it credit for being REALLY fun to make fun of.

9. Nacho Libre. I just do not understand this movie. It was fun to watch it the first time (in a way) because of all the famous lines, but I still think the story is stupid.

10. Classic Pride and Prejudice. I am such a classic-killer. I have only seen the beginning part of this, but I was not impressed with the acting, and I don't like Colin Firth. I think he was a weird choice for the role.

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