Thursday, June 7, 2012

I am a movie fan.

As per my obsession with fictional characters, I have decided to put together a list of my favorite movies! Yay!


1. Gone With the Wind. I pretty much have to have this one first on principle; I could never let down my idol, Scarlett O'Hara...and anyway, I really do love this story--and the cinematography is great for such an old film!
2. Tangled. I have watched this movie about 15 times. I just really love it...
3. The Devil Wears Prada. Okay, so I'm a sucker for a good fashion movie. I also really think that Anne Hathaway is a fabulous actress, and Meryl Streep is just awesome. You just can't go wrong with this movie.
4. Holiday Inn. This is one of those old black and white Bing Crosby movies. It is just so good. The music is really good, and the acting is awesome. This also has Fred Astaire in it, so of course the dancing is fabulous as well.
5. The Turning Point. This movie is one of the best ballet movies I have seen. It has an actual story line while still maintaining some really good dance scenes. I often just get a craving to watch this. It was made in the 70s, so the hair and clothes are pretty bad though.
6. Pride and Prejudice. NOT the awful six-hour one though, the newer one with Keira Knightley. I know it seems like utter blasphemy to hate the old one, but I do not like the acting, and I greatly dislike Colin Firth (what am I, except for an enigma?). The music is awesome and I love the costumes.
7. North and South. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Pride and Prejudice-esque stories. This one is sectioned into four 50-minute episodes. I just REALLY love Richard Armitage.
8. Confessions of a Shopaholic. A lot of the time, I feel like I am a part of this movie--I'm not in serious debt or anything, but I have the same feelings she does about shopping.
9. Pirates of the Caribbean. I just love these movies!! The second one is my favorite, however. And really, who doesn't love these movies?
10. The RM. This is a risk, putting this on here, but I just think it is so funny. It is an LDS filmed, produced,  acted, etc. movie, and I am not sure you can totally appreciate its charm unless you are LDS, but just know that it is hilarious.

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