Tuesday, June 5, 2012


YouTube is one of those places filled with awesome, hilarious stuff AND I LOVE IT. I avidly follow a couple of YouTubers. This is a list long in the making, and this should be quite entertaining.


1. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared by thisisitcollective. I first saw this on Tumblr, and I have loved it ever since. Now, if you go and watch this, you are all going to judge me, because this is actually kind of disturbing...but I think it's HILARIOUS. It is sort of like a kids' TV show gone really wrong. Love it. Watch it. Embrace it.

2. Josh Groban Sings Kanye West Tweets. Man...whatever happened to my antique fish tank? Seriously though, this is a classic video that everyone needs to see.

3. Yes Kidz Kan, Rhinobunga! Another kids show gone horribly wrong, but in a really funny way (not disturbing like the other one).

4. Going to the Store. I don't even understand what is going on, but I think it is hilarious!!! Be warned, this is really random and strange for a whole 49 seconds.

5.Mr. G's Classroom. Yeah, I don't even know. I apparently have a really weird sense of humor.

6. Spaghetti Cat (I Weep For You). Just prepare to have this stuck in your head for days to come.

7. Sassy Gay Friend: Romeo & Juliet. I just think the Sassy Gay Friend is hilarious.

8. MADTV's Stuart Goes To His Dad's. I went through this phase where I watched ALL of the Stuart videos. They are all awesome.

9. The Girl With the Epileptic Dog by Flight of the Conchords. I pretty much just love all of their stuff though.

10. The Best YouTube video of all time. Please just go watch this, it will blow your mind.

And there you have my YouTube personality wedged into one tiny blog post; I am considering doing another installment, as there were several other videos that didn't make this cut. Stay tuned!

Please tell me you watched these...or at least the amazing last one.

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