Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Simpsons' Halloween

So, I am seriously not the best at keeping a schedule..*sigh* Welp, I may or may not continue with the "10 top things" nonsense in the near or far future...yeah I have no idea.

I started reading The Shining by Stephen King today...needless to say I am hearing noises all over my house--and I haven't even gotten to the killing part yet! I know everything that happens because of this old Halloween special of The Simpsons that my family watches every year. I know what you're thinking: What respectable LDS family watches The Simpsons? Well, 1. you are very small-minded, and 2. these Halloween specials are AWESOME. They aren't crude or disgusting like the current ones, they are just pure hilarious Halloween fun. The one I happen to be speaking of is called "The Shinning", and is a hilarious spin-off the book The Shining. Please just watch this: The Simpsons "The Shinning" Man, I am so excited about reading this book. I just stopped at the point where they are snowed in. I am quite excited to finish this >:)

I am so messed up.

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