Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hot celebrities: the reason we all watch movies/TV.

Once again my love for movies and TV has fueled this post. Here is a little picture to get the party going:


1. David Tennant. I love this man more than I should. I actually cried (ask my roommates) when I found out he was married--NO JOKE. He has GREAT hair.

2. Bobby Flay. Yes, I am really weird, but one of my main reasons for watching the Food Network all the time is him. As I once heard someone say, "He is as yummy as the food he makes."

3. Johnny Depp. We all know that I have a deep and abiding love for Johnny Depp, and today was his birthday!! :) That is sort of what fueled this post's beginnings. Everything he does, I love.

4. Tom Hiddleston. OMG I love him; seeing all the hype about him on Tumblr and then seeing The Avengers did it for me. He is precious and hothothot beyond belief. 

5. Richard Armitage. I just really enjoy everything I have seen him in--he is also going to be in the upcoming Hobbit movies, so I am WAY excited about that! 

6. Benedict Cumberbatch. There is a definite evolution of my feelings for this man. The first time seeing him, "Omg his face is so weird"; second, "Wow but he's a really good actor; third, "Okay, he's kind of attractive in a strange way"; fourth, "Yep, I definitely like this man"; fifth, "please come to America and love me". Yes, I'm a creep, but Tumblr has only enhanced my inner creep.

7. Colin Morgan. Gosh, he is sort of another Cumberbatch for me. I always thought his face was weird, but now I just love it--and those precious ears...

8. Eoin Bailey. I pretty much watch Once Upon A Time just for him. He is so cute.

9. James Marsters. Okay, so I pretty much just love him as Spike, but I love him nonetheless. I just think the blonde, spiky hair looks so good on him!

10. Tom Felton. Once again, just watching Harry Potter for him and Snape, because the acting sure wasn't doing it for me! I certainly think he is quite cute in the movies, now that he has grown his hair out, not so much.

Man, writing all this and finding the pictures made me really happy.

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