Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fun jobs.

Since I am in college, careers and majors are often on my mind, so I thought I would dedicate this post to

TEN MOST INTERESTING-SOUNDING CAREERS (regardless of income or realism).

1. Wedding dress designer. I admit it, I am a freak about weddings; I absolutely adore them. I remember I wanted to be a wedding dress designer my whole life until the reality that I can't draw or sew popped in. It is still something that I would love to do though.

2. Wedding planner. This was my goal after I realized the designing was a lofty goal. Recently I realized the pure awkwardness I feel when I have planned a party--I am just always really worried that everyone is bored and that it is nothing like the fun parties I have been to. I just don't know how to throw a good party! It's sad, really.

3. Interior decorator. I would love to say I have an eye for design--I could be wrong, but that's what I think. I love to move into new places because I get to completely redo my space; I just think it is so fun! I definitely went on a kick a few years ago where I would read everything I could about interior design. I still really like it, and read about it when I can.

4. Artist. I wish I could draw or paint or something. I do have a talent for copying a picture of something into a pencil drawing, but I certainly couldn't paint it or anything. I am taking a class this upcoming semester in studio art, so hopefully I can learn something--and maybe be more on my way to wedding dress designer!

5. Museum Curator. This is the career I have chosen thus far in my's sort of far down on my list, but I nonetheless find it a very interesting vocation. I love museums A LOT and I think it would be super fun to work in one.

6. Ballerina. Yes, I would consider this a career. I am absolutely OBSESSED with ballet. It really consumes my YouTube time. I wish more than anything that I would have started ballet when I was young so that I could be en pointe now.

7. Architect. I have always thought that this would be a fascinating job. As far as I understand though, you have to take a lot of math and physics and stuff, but I think the designing would be really fun.

8. Surgeon. I realize that this is a really random jump, but I really admire surgeons. I think I would be fairly good at it; in high school biology I was a prodigy at dissecting. I also find hospitals fascinating.

9. Singer. I used to think that I was the greatest singer in the world when I was younger. I would go out into the middle of the field at recess and dramatically "belt" out the chorus to "Memory" from the musical Cats. I was convinced that I was going to play Christine in Phantom of the Opera. It's sort of embarrassing, but my love for singing stills remains even though I realize I am not star quality. I wish I was talented enough to make it big with that.

10. Cosmetologist. I have always thought that cosmetologists are the trendiest people; they always have really fun/funky hairstyles and cool makeup...I like that. I wish I was talented with hair--part of the reason I cut all of mine off was because I didn't know how to do anything.

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