Friday, June 1, 2012

All day erryday.

This post is inspired by my most basic of routines (which, yes, may be boring, but I am too tired to be creative):


1. Take a shower. I know this seems obvious, but I know when I had long hair, I didn't need to wash it everyday; now, if I don't wash my hair, it ends up looking very crazy and gross.

2. Drink a glass of orange juice (or any other kind of juice). This is sort of my essential breakfast item. Sometimes when I have to go to work earlier in the morning (meaning 10:30, as opposed to my usual 2), I don't want to eat anything, but I will drink a glass of juice. I am a juice fanatic. Any kind is good for me!

3. Get on Tumblr. I admit, I'm an addict. Tumblr is just so me, though, and I can't resist.

4. Read the comics in the newspaper. I enjoy my daily dose of LuAnn, Pearls Before Swine, Zits, Sally Forth, Blondie, and Baby Blues.

5. Watch the Food Network. Not a day goes by that I don't watch something on that channel.

6. Sleep. I am not sure this really counts, but I do love my sleep! I usually go to sleep at around midnight, and on a day where I don't have to get up early, I can sleep in past eleven.

7. Eat chocolate. If I don't have chocolate sometime during the day I just get this weird feeling. Some form of chocolate must be consumed daily.

8. Hang up clothes and put shoes away. When I am getting ready in the morning I sort of throw stuff all over the place. After work sometime I usually have to put something away.

9. Play "The Treat Game" with my cat. I just throw a treat down the hall, and she chases it. I enjoy doing this because she looks so cute when she runs!

10. Put on chapstick. I cannot exist properly without my chapstick.

P.S. My caption for this photo was "sort of creepy but accurate life purpose".

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