Monday, June 4, 2012

TV junkie.

So, I am a TV junkie, and I have been excited about this post for some time; but, I haven't been able to really decide which TV shows deserve a spotlight on here until now.


1. Doctor Who. I started watching this Junior year of high school, I believe, because of my friend Alicia who made me watch it. It sounded interesting to me, and as soon as I saw that episode (Voyage of the Damned was my first) I was hooked. I went home and tried to explain everything to my family, but they thought it was weird. Instant Netflix didn't exist, and I had no money to buy all the episodes on iTunes, so I waited not-so-patiently for the seasons to come from the library. I have been a devoted fan ever since. When my family went to London after I graduated from high school, we went to the Doctor Who experience which was FABULOUS. I am so glad I got to go to that. I got all kinds of sweet merch from that.

2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This is a really recent obsession, maybe since mid April, but it's SO GOOD. Oh my gosh. I decided to start watching it after I wrote my Doctor Who paper for Writing this past semester. A lot of the information I came across was comparing Doctor Who to Buffy, so I thought since they were so similar I would give it a try. I am just wholly devoted now. I can't wait to get to the later seasons--I am almost done with season 3 right now--because there is some really good stuff looming.

3. Sherlock. This show is SO GOOD. I highly recommend it to everyone--especially people who like more "normal" TV. Benedict Cumberbatch is just SO GOOD as Sherlock Holmes, and the writing is really good (the same writer of Doctor Who does this show as well). Everyone needs to watch this; it appeals to all audiences, and really, who doesn't love Sherlock Holmes?

4. Merlin. Another BBC sci-fi show; this one is a King Arthur-related one where the focus is all on Merlin and Arthur growing up together in a time where magic is outlawed. Merlin is has to keep his magic hidden from Arthur, but is still always saving his life and stuff. Man, it is good.

5. Psych. This show is sort of Sherlock Holmes-esque, but it a hilarious modern way. The characters are all funny, and the episodes are always interesting. I never get tired of their shenanigans.

6. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yes, I am obsessed with this cartoon. I watch all of the seasons this past semester, and I LOVED it. I actually HATE anime with a passion, but these characters seem so real, and the plot is very interesting.

7. Once Upon A Time. Okay so when I first watched this, I hated it; I thought it was really cheesy and sappy. Now I really like it. I just really enjoy seeing which fairy tale characters the people are and how their stories play's just sort of fun.

8. Robin Hood. This show was fabulous up until the horrible end to season 2--I couldn't even watch past it. But the acting and story was so good until then, and then the ending was heart-breaking and stupid. I still recommend it though up until that point.

So those are the top 8 that I have really obsessed over, the next two are just part of a bigger obsession: THE FOOD NETWORK.

9. Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. I really love this show. I just like watching Guy go to all those cities and eat stuff...I don't even know why. I also really like it when he comes/goes to places in Boise.

10. Next Food Network Star. I just really like elimination shows like this, and Bobby Flay has a big part in this season. <3. 

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